Thursday, March 6, 2014

Dog Owner's Etiquette

Just because you love dogs doesn't mean everybody else does.

1. Good manners and right conduct begins at home. If you train your dog to behave at home they will do so when they are out in pubic.

2. Never criticize another person's pet. Do not ever say their pet is fat, looks old, has bad legs, has cataracts, or anything downgrading (even if true).  Admire a pet, you please the owner. Hurt their pet, you put their owner on the defensive.

3. Not everybody likes being rushed by dogs when they come to visit your house. Confine your pets in a certain area of your house before you allow them to enter and inspect your guest.

4. Bar your kitchen from animals. Good standards in food preparation means no pet hairs in your food, dinnerware or glassware if you keep dogs or cats away from the kitchen.

5. Discourage begging at table at home. If you allow your dog to beg at the table, they will do the same in another house.

6. Not all dogs welcome a visiting dog to their territory. If you plan to visit a new house with your dog, inquire if there is a dog there first.

7. Teach your dogs not to jump on people.

8. It has never been advisable to let dogs sleep on beds with their owners. Should house guests come to stay for a few days, not all are immune to finding animal hair on their clothes, blankets and pillows.

9. Vacuum your house thoroughly before house guests arrive. If your dogs live in the house with you, pet hairs will be all over the carpet, furniture, bedding, pillows, curtains, everywhere your dogs are found.

10. Keep your knowledge about dog behavior to yourself unless asked. Judge the pet, you judge the owner.